Teaching and research at the Chair of Marketing are both closely linked to business partners, organizations and other scientific institutions. We actively promote the interaction with business practice to achieve a sensible combination of competencies. If your company is interested in collaborations on topics that broadly relate to our research priorities, please contact us directly.
The range of possible collaborations includes:
- Project seminars, bachelor and master theses, where particularly good and committed students work on practical issues in teams of two to four over a period of two (bachelor theses) or up to four months (project seminars and master theses). As a result you get a scientific and detailed analysis of an issue vital for your company. The Chair of Marketing assumes a coordinating function. Possible topics include (but are not limited to) market research projects (e.g., estimation of market volumes and potentials), industry structure analyses, satisfaction surveys, and pricing studies. Project seminars as well as bachelor and master theses are offered each semester (starting dates: April or October).
- When the research topic is more complex in nature and poorly structured, it is often worthwhile to finance a research assistant who works exclusively on the project and writes his/her dissertation on the topic. Such third-party-funded research projects usually run for at least three years and should deal with a topic also relevant from a research perspective.
- Workshops in companies, where the current market research methods are taught and their application in the company’s context are discussed.
- Presentations or case study seminars where guest speakers discuss current topics from business practice and introduce their companies to a student audience.