New R package published in the Journal of Open Source Software
The other form of open science service to the market research community!
Check out our new R package published in The Journal of Open Source Software.
In recent years, during discussions with specific small and medium-sized market research providers and marketing departments, we observed that studies on preference elicitation through Conjoint analysis or (anchored) Maximum Difference Scaling (MaxDiff) rarely include measures to assess the predictive (out-of-calibration) validity in holdout tasks to ensure data quality in managerial decision-making.
The reasons for this neglect may be manifold:
- Functions for implementing and validating holdout tasks are often not fully integrated into commercial software solutions that handle Conjoint and MaxDiff studies.
- A lack of time in the fast-paced market research industry
- Insufficient training for participating market research managers
- Ultimately, professional online panel providers have no incentive to address previously unmentioned data quality issues.
Our new R package validateHOT comes into play (see GitHub for tutorials).
Beginning with a few functions we provided to our students during Conjoint seminars at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, we have now consolidated several functions into a package that offers tools for validating holdout tasks and preparing basic market simulations, among other features. The package also helps with Total-Unduplicated-Reach-and-Frequency (T.U.R.F) analysis. It integrates seamlessly with (Adaptive) Choice-based Conjoint or MaxDiff as conducted by popular proprietary packages commonly used by companies.
Curious? Check out the open-access publication for free by following this link.
We wish you all some happy coding
A new meta-analysis published in Marketing Letters
Have you ever wondered whether incentive alignment in conjoint analysis is worth the additional costs? Based on our latest meta-analysis, we would say … yes, it is!
Conjoint analyses are often conducted in hypothetical settings where participants are not sufficiently motivated to invest the same mental effort as in an actual purchase situation. This can lead to significant losses and missed opportunities for companies relying on the resultant biased preferences. One effective workaround is to apply incentive alignment.
Our recent meta-analysis, published in Marketing Letters with 12,980 participants, shows that incentive-aligning conjoint analysis increases the prediction accuracy of consumer choices by 12%.
In the meta-analysis, we also find that incentive alignment is more effective for durable and service goods (compared to FMCGs) and when applied with adaptive choice-based conjoint analysis. The latter mirrors our recent findings from a JAMS article.
Our meta-analysis concludes with practical guidelines for market researchers. These include a detailed discussion on the cost implications of incentive-aligning a conjoint analysis, providing valuable insights and equipping researchers with the necessary knowledge for those considering this approach.
We warmly invite you to explore our open-access article, which comprehensively overviews our research findings. This is your chance to enjoy the article for free and delve deeper into the world of incentive alignment in conjoint analysis.
Post-exam reviews for Consumer Behavior & Well-Being, Marketing, Marketing Methods & Analysis, Sensory Marketing and Product Innovation, Marketing Performance Management
The exam reviews for Consumer Behavior& Well-Being (23734), Marketing Performance Management (41058), and Marketing Methods & Analysis (50566), and for the revisions of Marketing (41021) and Sensory Marketing and Product Innovation (23430) of the summer term 2024 will be held in the first week of class of the upcoming summer term (07.04. – 11.04.).
To register for the exam review, please send a mail to the corresponding contact person of this course by Monday, 31.03.2025:
- Consumer Behavior& Well-Being (23734): Dr. Carolin Winkelmann
- Marketing (41021): Dr. Carolin Winkelmann
- Marketing Methods & Analysis (50566): Felix Lang
- Sensory Marketing and Product Innovation (23430): Felix Lang
- Marketing Performance Management (41058): Joshua Schramm
In your e-mail, please include your name, matriculation number and the corresponding examination number. Please also bring your identity card and student ID to the appointment.
Writing your Bachelor Thesis in ST 2025 at the Chair of Marketing
For students interested in writing their bachelor thesis at the Chair of Marketing in the upcoming semester, you will find the topics and final details and information in the corresponding e-learning course.
Find further information on the application process for the Bachelor Thesis Seminar here.
Allowed aids for the exams in the winter term 2024/2025
Dear students,
For the following exams offered in the winter term 2024/2025 by the Chair of Marketing, you are only allowed to use a non-programmable calculator during the exam (no other aids!):
- Consumer Behavior & Well-Being (23734)
- Marketing (41021)
- Marketing Methods and Analysis (50566)
- Marketing Performance Management (41058)
- Sensory Marketing and Product Management (23430; Repeat Exam).
Please note that the aids allowed might differ from the regulations applied in previous semesters. If you plan on writing any of the above exams, please note the information announced in the respective lecture and via the e-learning course, see the examination office’s exam schedule, and register for the exam via the LSF.
Erlaubte Hilfsmittel in den Klausuren für das Wintersemester 2024/2025
Liebe Studierende,
In den folgenden Prüfungen, die im Wintersemester 2024/2025 vom Lehrstuhl für Marketing angeboten werden, ist die Verwendung eines nicht programmierbaren Taschenrechners das einzige erlaubte Hilfsmittel (keine anderen Hilfsmittel!):
- Consumer Behavior & Well-Being (23734)
- Marketing (41021)
- Marketing Methods and Analysis (50566)
- Marketing Performance Management (41058)
- Sensory Marketing and Product Management (23430; Wiederholungsprüfung).
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die zulässigen Hilfsmittel von den Regelungen der vorherigen Semester abweichen können. Wenn Sie eine der oben genannten Prüfungen ablegen möchten, beachten Sie bitte die in der jeweiligen Vorlesung und im E-Learning-Kurs bekannt gegebenen Informationen. Bitte beachten Sie auch den Prüfungsplan des Prüfungsamtes der FWW und melden Sie sich über das LSF zur Prüfung an.
Writing your Master Thesis in summer semester 2025 at the Chair of Marketing
Dear Master students, if you intend to write your master thesis at the Chair of Marketing in the upcoming summer semester 2025, please consider the following information. The application for a master thesis topic for the summer semester 2025 will take place in the period from 10.01.2025 – 30.01.2025. You will receive notice of whether you are accepted or not until 07.02.2025. For accepted students, there will be a mandatory joint kickoff which will take place on 10.02.2025 at 09:00 - 10:30 via Zoom. Final details and additional information regarding the application process will be provided in the corresponding e-learning course.
Post-exam reviews for Marketing Performance Management, Sensory Marketing and Product Innovation, Marketing, and for Marketing Methods & Analysis
The exam reviews for Marketing (41021), Marketing Methods & Analysis (50566), and for the revisions of Marketing Performance Management (41058) and Sensory Marketing and Product Innovation (23430) of the summer term 2024 will be held in the first week of class of the upcoming winter term (14.10. – 18.10.2024).
To register for the exam review, please send a mail to the corresponding contact person of this course by Sunday, 29.09.2024:
• Marketing (41021): Dr. Carolin Winkelmann
• Marketing Methods & Analysis (50566): Felix Lang
• Sensory Marketing and Product Innovation (23430): Felix Lang
• Marketing Performance Management (41058): Joshua Schramm
In your e-mail, please include your name, matriculation number and the corresponding examination number. Please also bring your identity card and student ID to the appointment.
Writing your Bachelor Thesis in WT 2024/2025 at the Chair of Marketing
For students interested in writing their bachelor's thesis at the Chair of Marketing in the upcoming semester, you will find the topics and final details and information in the corresponding e-learning course.
Please be aware that the kick-off will take place in the week of the introductory days (i.e., 7th – 11th of October). Taking part in the kick-off is mandatory. However, it will take place online via zoom.