Selected Publications
- Sablotny-Wackershauser, V., Lichters, M., Guhl, D., Bengart, P., & Vogt, B. (2024). Crossing incentive alignment and adaptive designs in choice-based conjoint: A fruitful endeavor. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. 52, 610-633.
- Girard, A., Lichters, M., Sarstedt, M., & Biswas, D. (2019). Short‐ and Long‐term Effects of nonconsciously Processed Ambient Scents in a Servicescape: Findings from two Field Experiments. Journal of Service Research, 22(4), 440‐455.
- Lichters, M., Brunnlieb, C., Nave, G., Sarstedt, M., & Vogt, B. (2016). The Influence of Serotonin Deficiency on Choice Deferral and the Compromise Effect. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(2), 183‐198.
- Adler, S. J., Schöniger, M. K., Lichters, M., & Sarstedt, M. (2024). Forty years of context effect research in marketing: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Business Economics. 94, 437-466.
- Canty, M., Lang, F. J., Lichters, M., Adler, S. J., & Sarstedt, M. (2024). Caffeine’s complex influence on the attraction effect: a mixed bag of outcomes. Marketing Letters. 35(3), 451-476.
- Schramm, J. B., & Lichters, M. (2024). Incentive alignment in anchored MaxDiff yields superior predictive validity. Marketing Letters. Advance online publication.
- Lichters, M., Möslein, R., Sarstedt, M., & Scharf, A. (2021). Segmenting Consumers Based on Sensory Acceptance Tests in Sensory Labs, Immersive Environments, and Natural Consumption Settings. Food Quality and Preference, 89(April), 104138.
- Kühn, F., Lichters, M., & Krey, N. (2020). The touchy issue of produce: Need for touch in online grocery retailing. Journal of Business Research, 117(September), 244‐255.
- Cox, J. C., Kroll, E. B., Lichters, M., Sadiraj, V., & Vogt, B. (2019). The St. Petersburg paradox despite risk-seeking preferences: An experimental study. Business Research, 12(1), 27‐44
- Lichters, M., Wackershauser, V., Han, S., & Vogt, B. (2019). On the applicability of the BDM mechanism in product evaluation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 51(6), 1-7.
- Lichters, M., Bengart, P., Sarstedt, M., & Vogt, B. (2017). What really Matters in Attraction Effect Research: When Choices Have Economic Consequences. Marketing Letters, 28(1), 127‐138.
- Schuldt, J., Doktor, A., Lichters, M., Vogt, B., & Robra, B. P. (2017). Insurees‘ Preferences in Hospital Choice: A Population based Study. Health Policy, 121(10), 1040‐1046.
- Lichters, M., Müller, H., Sarstedt, M., & Vogt, B. (2016). How durable Are Compromise Effects? Journal of Business Research, 69(10), 4056‐4064.
- Lichters, M., Sarstedt, M., & Vogt, B. (2015). On the practical Relevance of the Attraction Effect: A cautionary Note and Guidelines for Context Effect Experiments. AMS Review, 5(1‐2), 1‐19.