News: Forschung

New open-access article published in Marketing Letters

25.01.2024 -

Ever thought about anchored MaxDiff for product choice predictions in market research? If not, it is high time to do so.

Anchored MaxDiff upgrades traditional MaxDiff by also measuring the outside good’s utility (i.e., the no-buy alternative), which converts relative MaxDiff scores into absolute ones that can also be compared between respondents.

Our recent research published in Marketing Letters investigated in a 2 (direct anchored MaxDiff vs. indirect anchored MaxDiff) x 2 (hypothetical vs. incentive-aligned) online-experiment which method yields the highest predictive validity. We show that both anchoring methods benefit strongly from incentive alignment (similar to other preference measurement techniques, as previously shown in a JAMS article.

We also show that incentive alignment predicts general demand fairly accurately, while hypothetical MaxDiff tends to overestimate demand.

Finally, we take a look at how marketing implications (e.g., product assortment optimizations) may differ between hypothetical and incentive-aligned anchored MaxDiff.

The article provides an overview of anchored MaxDiff and how incentive alignment can now be implemented in a MaxDiff study design.

Enjoy the article for free in Marketing Letters.

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Check out our new publication on (adaptive) choice-based conjoint analysis

23.01.2024 -

Should you opt for incentive alignment or adaptive designs in your choice-based conjoint market research study?

Verena Sablotny‐Wackershauser, Marcel Lichters, Daniel Guhl, Paul Bengart, and Bodo Vogt find in their recent JAMS publication that you should!

Results from 4 conjoint experiments (n=1,150) on diverse products (from pizza to fitness trackers) show

  • Adaptive CBC designs compare well to incentive-aligned CBC regarding product choice predictions.
  • Combining both principles delivers superior predictions.

The paper also presents a concise review of proposed adaptive designs in CBC, along with an analysis of their popularity in terms of impact factors.

  • Furthermore, the relative merits of different mechanisms to incentive-align (A)CBC studies are discussed.
  • All raw data and analysis scripts are freely provided via the open science framework.
  • This article thus serves market researchers well in the analysis of data sets of (A)CBC studies conducted with Sawtooth Software and other solutions within R.

Happy reading with the open-access article  published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

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Check out our new publication about caffeine’s influence on our consumer decisions

21.11.2023 -

A series of experiments indicate that after consuming high doses of caffeine, we are likely to fall prey to marketers’ efforts to manipulate our product choice by presenting mostly irrelevant product alternatives to foster target sales.

However, our results indicate that this adverse consequence of caffeine intake only holds for high doses of 200 mg of caffeine (e.g., 20 fl oz Monster Energy or a large coffee) and real purchases. Notably, we found no influence of caffeine consumption in hypothetical product choices and low doses of caffeine.

The freely available article can be read in Marketing Letters:

The article was authored by Michael Canty, Felix Josua Lang, Susanne Jana Adler, Marcel Lichters, and Marko Sarstedt.


Happy Coffee in the Morning.


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New article published in Marketing Letters

17.07.2023 -

Sören Köcher hat gemeinsam mit Markus Husemann-Kopetzky von der FU Berlin und Marie Schirmbeck, Melina Hess, Fabian Gmeindl und Samuel Hess von der Agentur DRIP einen Artikel mit dem Titel „A Conceptual Replication of the Differential Price Framing Effect in the Field“ in der Fachzeitschrift Marketing Letters publiziert. Anhand eines groß angelegten Feldexperiments auf der Website eines Online-Händlers zeigen die Autoren, dass sich Präferenzen zwischen verschiedenen Multipacks identischer Produkte (z. B. 4 Paar Socken vs. 8 Paar Socken vs. 12 Paar Socken) zugunsten größerer und damit teurerer Produktsets verschieben lassen, wenn die zusätzlichen Kosten der höherpreisigen Optionen (z. B. "für 25 € mehr") anstatt deren Gesamtpreise (z. B. "für 55 € insgesamt") präsentiert werden.

Auf den (Open Access) Artikel können Sie hier zugreifen:

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Frontiers in Service Conference 2023 in Maastricht

21.06.2023 -

The Chair of Marketing was represented at this year's Frontiers in Service Conference in Maastricht with the papers "The Effects of Face Masks on Consumers' Perceptions of Service Employees' Warmth and Competence" (authors: Sören Köcher, Xenia Raufeisen and Sarah Köcher) and "#taboo - Talking Publicly about Infertility on Social Media" (authors: Sarah Köcher, Sören Köcher and Jana Grothaus). The conference, themed "From Romans to Robots: Service Research in E-motion", took place in Maastricht from June 15 to 18, 2023.

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